Depending on their level of English study that simple, grammatically incorrect sentence could be a huge break through or a moment of utter frustration.
Either way you gratefully accept the gift. Anything that is unwrapped I usually find a way to discreetly throw away. (Who knows where there hands have been.) Anything that is wrapped, I say woohoo!

I also learned that in Korea, on Valentine's Day the girl gives chocolates to the boy. A month later on White Day, the boy gives candy to the girl. A month after that on Black Day, single schmucks eat black Chinese noodles. Injustice!!
Side note: I had one of the best adult classes ever today because I learned that Cold Stone Creamery Ice Cream has made it to Korea. I will definitely have to make a venture to Mokdong or Sincheon in the very near future.
Side note #2: I am really glad to see The Clintons making music videos. I really like their music. I hope they don't get sucked into the country genre though.
I Love Chocolate! Yumm! But be careful, you must brush your teeth after every bite! Ha Ha!
Woo Hoo for Coldstone!
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