Friday, July 27, 2007

Summer School Begins

It seems like we just get comfortable in our schedule and then it changes. Yesterday, we started summer school and many students who come in the afternoon now come in the morning and we've started new classes in the afternoon. It is confusing to figure out what we need to teach.

Only occasionally we have the curriculum we need to teach the classes. Today I had to teach theater to 24 students with no script, no stage, no props, no nothing. I still had fun. Hope they did.

The nice thing is that science classes are going a lot better now than they did in winter school. The experiments are easier for the kids to understand and consequently easier for me to explain.

Next week, no kindergarten. It'll be weird not to see them for a whole week. When they do get back, I'll probably have a new student. That will make 11. Definitely a handful.

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