Monday, August 27, 2007

Happy Birthday

Had a nice birthday today. This morning I took my class to an open area and we flew a kite. I bought the kite at the Yeouido park on Saturday night. It was hot outside and I was sweating buckets after running after the kids and the kite for only 20 minutes.
I bought the kids pizza for lunch. They said "Where's the chicken?" I bought them cola. They said " Where's the cake?" I hope I wasn't that ungrateful when I was a kid. Some of the kids did bring me presents though. One gave me a nice Manchester United ball cap.Two sisters I teach gave me some chocolates and gum. But I think their notes were the best. The one on the right is my kindergartner, Molly. The one on the left is a middle school student, Mary.
What did you get for your last birthday?


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday (again) BJ. We really are looking forward to having you home again.

Anonymous said...

Birch has been back in the state for the past 4 days, but we still don't know when we will see him -- NEWS FLASH -- just got a call from MOM 7 Birch just called her. He did find a place to live - about a block from school. He'll work on his class room today (Tue), then come home later tonight. He spent Sat w/ Katie in Polson, then went to a swim race w/ her on Whitefish Lake (she took 2nd), then onto D & M's for lunch, then went fishing (float trip) w/ Chris, then onto Darby. You can see that we are pretty low on the list.