Ever wonder what to do with all of those left over soccer stadiums you have laying around after hosting the FIFA World Cup? You could pour concrete over the field and turn it into a parking lot.
But then the question comes "What about the stadium bleachers?" The quickest, obvious answer is to turn it into the coolest flea market this side of the Pacific!
I found a couple of items that I just couldn't pass up. Be sure to haggle. I got a 20,000W discount just because I walked away and then came back to one vendors stall. I probably could have gotten even a better deal but I am not near as skilled in the art of haggling as my brother.
After the market, we went to the National Museum to catch the floors I missed last time. I spent over 30,000W in the gift store and was rewarded with a free mouse pad. Sweet!
Sounds like the stadium was last used in 1988 for the Summer Olympics.
Yeah, things in the market are way to established to have been used in 2002.
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