Sunday, December 03, 2006

Tursday and Friday, November 23 and 24

Thanksgiving in Korea. I celebrated Thanksgiving with my students by singing 'Five Little Turkeys' during music time. On Friday, some of the mothers brought in a Thanksgiving feast. We toured our kids around the table and we were supposed to point out the traditional American foods on the Thanksgiving table. I recognized the Turkey (and I am thankful we had a turkey) but all of the other foods were foreign to me.

We ate lunch with our students and I was surprised and pleased when our teacher manager asked me to lead a prayer for the students before we began eating. No way you'd get away with that in the states!

After class we went out with some of the adult English students. Many are working to improve their conversational English to get into American colleges so any extra time they can spend with us is for them very welcomed.

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