Friday, December 29, 2006

We Conquered the Fortress!

Because the Busan Aquarium was right across from our hotel, we had to check it out. Even the fish were dressed up for the holidays. See the eel coming out of the house to greet Santa? Or how about the fish swimming with Frosty? Unusual, yes. Strange even. But, what do you expect, this is Korea.

We took a cab back up the mountain in search of the fortress. He dropped us off at the goat meat village. Too bad we had already had lunch. We walked around this very tiny town and counted more than 50 goat restaurants. There was nothing else there but goat restaurants!

And then even better than that was the fact that there weren't even any goats around. The nearest livestock were these cows.

Just outside the gates of the goat meat village, we finally stumbled upon part of the fortress. Apparently, all that is left is 17 miles of this stone wall. Most of it was in a greater stage of disrepair than this section.

We walked on top of the wall to the peak of the mountain and had a panoramic view of the city and surrounding area.

Our final stop was to the Bokcheon-dong Mound Tombs and Museum. Admission to the museum was only 500 Won (50 cents). It had a lot of artifacts that had been excavated and a tour of the grounds showed more than 100 burial plots. Some of the weaponry and jewelry that was recovered from the graves was amazing.

Finally, we boarded the KTX heading back to Seoul.

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